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How fewer toys benefits kids and photographer Gabriele Galimberti ’s series “Toy Stories.” "For over two years, I visited more than 50 countries and created colorful images of boys and girls in their homes and neighborhoods with their most prized possessions: their toys. From Texas to India, Malawi to China, Iceland, Morocco, and Fiji, I recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet of miniature cars or a single stuffed monkey, the pride that they have is moving, funny, and thought provoking."

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Book: Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less by Leidy Klotz Blending behavioral science and design, Leidy Klotz’s Subtract offers a scientific appreciation of why we underuse subtraction–and how to ac

Don't renovate

Kate Wagner’s article Are Home Renovations Necessary? “Instead of falling prey to [our renovation obsessed culture], take a moment to consider this simple idea: There is nothing wrong with your house.


The Clutter Cure’s Illusory Joy by Pamela Druckerman “Everyone I meet seems to be waging a passionate, private battle against their own stuff, and they perk up as soon as you mention it.”

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