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From Celia Barbour’s article Clutter: The Long Goodbye in Whole Living: “…even if we have enough square footage to store all our unnecessary belongings, we should be more protective of our mental space. Because what matters more…is the room they occupy in our brains, in the stories we tell ourselves to justify holding on to them…

…‘We got these as a wedding gift’ my dad would say as he handed me something he no longer wanted. I felt like a crazy museum curator, assiduously looking after objects whose sole value was that they had once been meaningful to someone else…”

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Don't renovate

Kate Wagner’s article Are Home Renovations Necessary? “Instead of falling prey to [our renovation obsessed culture], take a moment to consider this simple idea: There is nothing wrong with your house.


The Clutter Cure’s Illusory Joy by Pamela Druckerman “Everyone I meet seems to be waging a passionate, private battle against their own stuff, and they perk up as soon as you mention it.”

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