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The cost of holding on to stuff

“When David Friedlander interviewed Mr. Hyde about his (minimalism) project, he highlighted this issue: Americans in particular like to be prepared for the worst-case-scenario, having separate cookie cutters for Christmas and Halloween. We seldom consider how negligible the consequences are when we running out of something or are unprepared. Nor do we consider how high the consequences are for being over-prepared…”

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Don't renovate

Kate Wagner’s article Are Home Renovations Necessary? “Instead of falling prey to [our renovation obsessed culture], take a moment to consider this simple idea: There is nothing wrong with your house.


The Clutter Cure’s Illusory Joy by Pamela Druckerman “Everyone I meet seems to be waging a passionate, private battle against their own stuff, and they perk up as soon as you mention it.”

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